About Me
I dabble in many artforms but have always stuck to painting as the core of my art practice. My work has two objectives. It aims to surround an audience with a 3 dimensional sense of colour and highlight modern feminist issues. Each work may arise different experiences for an audience; possibly absorption, curiosity, confusion, or desire to interact with it.
My current work is more theoretically based and builds on the technical skill practiced in my strictly abstract work. While the past work fits into genres like colourfield painting and modern art, my current work also begins to fit into feminist art, found object art, and lesbian art. Overall my work fits into one historic discourse: what can painting, and only painting do? Each work is continuous research into what makes a painting.
I am greatly inspired by life experience and an inner burning stubbornness. My paintings work as a train of logic, an expression of my opinion, a retort, or even an argument for my experiences as a child, student, painter, and lesbian.
I do my best to leave as little an evironmental footprint as I can with my practice. Not only do the repurposed bed sheets I paint on speak to the content I paint, they also contribute to shrinking water pollution and consumption by upcycling used linen and lessening the demand for cotton.